Some days ago, I was at Holy Cross Hospital, Silver Spring, MD on one of my rotations. I was having lunch with a colleague at the Cafeteria. I needed to "powder my nose" so I decided to go seek out one of the three bathrooms I know are located on that floor.
I went to the first bathroom and pushed on the door but it refused to budge...I looked down to confirm that it does say vacant, which it did. I was baffled at the locked door but I moved on to the next door anyways.
I got to the second door and pushed this door as well....but again, no budging.
Here comes Door #3
I pushed on door #3 and of course....STILL NO BUDGE!!!
So in frustration, I turned around to go seek another bathroom on another floor when I saw a young man head towards the door I had just tried to enter and he turned the knob and entered the bathroom.
I forgot to turn the knob....who forgets to turn the knob?!?!?
apparently, I do
Signed, Ogochukwu
omG!! this is so friggin hilarious! I am in love... true boo boo moment